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Sally Sell (Turnbull) Herzog None August 11, 2010



.............My deepest sympathy goes to you, Kathy.  Sounds like you have had an intense 6 months, if Chuck was just diagnosed in January 2010.  My love and prayers and support go to you.  I read the last Journal you wrote - how precious a time you had with Chuck as he passed on..........
Much love from a UD friend-by-marriage,
Stephany Powell None August 11, 2010
Sorry to hear about Chuck.  Hope your family arriving will help give you strength and support. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.  Love you."

Stephany and Eric
Ronna Secker None August 11, 2010

June 26, 2010

"We are so sorry to hear about Chuck.  Hope you have some peace in knowing that you did all that you could do to make him comfortable.  Enjoy this time with your family."

Pam Ziemer None August 11, 2010

Thinking of you and wishing i could be there!  There is lots to say but i will wait til things calm down for you. Just know when you are alone at night and everything is over, you can call me. I will understand what you are feeling! You have not left my thoughts!"


Ella Strickland chuck August 11, 2010
June 26, 2010
I'm so sorry to hear about chuck. I was not aware of what you were going through, and I'm very sad for your loss, and for those of us who will miss him.
Dick and Carol Radtke Chuck August 11, 2010
June 27, 2010
Kathy,  We were so sorry to hear of Chucks passing, but know he is in a better place.  My husband, Dick, worked with Chuck and his Dad at Washington National Insurance Co. for many years.  Would you please send me your address and phone number so we can pass it on to other Blue Devils who we know would want to know.
We read every one of your journal entries.  Chuck was very lucky to have such a caring, loving and compassionate wife.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the kids during this difficult time.
Dick & Carol Radtke
Shawna Pfeffer Markoff The sad news August 11, 2010

June 25, 2010

I'm very sorry to hear the sad news. Please let me know what I can do to assist you during this time of much grief and sorrow. My sincerest condolences are extended to you and all your family.


June 26, 2010

It is too sad to say much more than I have, but do know we are saddened to hear this tragic news. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. 
Gene Chuck August 11, 2010


 I received your email with profound sadness and I am so very, very sorry to get this sad news.  Thank you so much for writing to me as I know this is a very difficult time for you.  Bless you for being Chuck's full time caregiver but I would expect no less of you.  

I am so full of feelings and words but this must be a very busy time for you and I don't want to take a lot of it up.  It is consoling for me to read your words that Chuck always enjoyed my company and the pix I sent.  For the past several months our communications was quite irregular but I didn't want to be intrusive when I found out Chuck was ill.  I did not know how serious it was until now however. 
The many parties you and Chuck threw for me just before I left for Florida will always be very precious to me and I'll remember them always.  I will always appreciate you taking my plants and putting them in special places throughout your home too.  
Take care and please let me know if there is a way I can send flowers or contribute to a special cause for Chuck.  I hope we won't lose contact now since I am feeling a real emptiness with the loss of such a close and dear friend as Chuck.
Eric Johnson So Sorry August 11, 2010

June 25, 2010


I am so sorry for your loss, Lori and I have been reminiscing a bit about you and Chuck, the fun we had and the freindship ... thats what I will remember ... Keeping you in my prayers, Eric Johnson"

Susan Chuck August 11, 2010
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